Area of operation a-z
Do you miss your area of operation?
Mission Garment has a high ambition to include most of the world's peace-building operations. Send us a request here!

”I clearly remember the first time we were in battle. When you were exposed to a firefight, you were in the situation very focused on the task you had in front of you. It was in the evening when you came back to the camp the emotional reaction came. The situation for a peacefighting soldier in Congo in the 60s was extreme: close firefights, dealing with large refugee camps with starving locals, the difficulty of not knowing who was the enemy or friend...”
Göran Helmersson, 87 years old
Served in the Swedish Armed Forces for UN
in Congo 1960-62, Cyprus 1967, Biafra 1972

Veteran Support Project
Part of the income goes to support national veterans' organizations.
We call it The Veteran Support Project. Sales in each country create a contribution to its own veterans' organizations. If you have tips on organizations in your country that you think need support, please contact us.
Do you have a story and a mission experience to highlight?
Everyone who has served in a war has a story that deserves to be told. Memories, testimonials and experiences must be preserved for the future. Do you want to share it and be published on this site? We would be honoured to publish your story. Maximum 200 words, and images from your mission. If your story is published, you will receive MG merchandise in return.
Please contact us.